Suspicious Facebook app may be spam launch pad: A suspicious application circulating on Facebook
has attracted nearly 300,000 fans whose profiles could be used as launching pads for spam…. The
application, called "I will NEVER text again," lures Facebook users by offering a video, said Graham Cluley,
senior technology consultant for security vendor Sophos. When someone clicks on a link advertising the
application, the application asks for permission to access their basic information and post to their Wall. If a
user grants permission, the link is then posted to the user's Wall and goes out in the person's news feed,
which then gets read by other friends and potentially added to their profiles…. So far the application hasn't
done anything malicious, and many Facebook applications ask for the same access to a person's information
and Wall. But it has some suspicious characteristics. Although it promises a video, the video does not work,
Cluley said. [Date: 6 July 2010; Source: ]